As previously notified, the SIHA Annual General Meeting 2016 (AGM) is scheduled Monday October 3, 7:30pm to 9:30pm at The Rink, 3F. This update is to share the status of the upcoming open Vice President role on the SIHA Executive Committee and as a reminder for the AGM.
Open Role: Vice President
We would like to inform you that Eric van Steen has come to the conclusion it has become increasingly challenging to adequately perform his duties as Vice President due to his other commitments and has expressed a desire to step down after the AGM has accepted the 2015-2016 accounts and audit report given his extensive involvement in the Treasury function over the past year. We would like to thank Eric for all his time and energy in the VP role and are happy to report that he will remain involved on and off the ice.
As such, the Vice President position will become vacant from October 4, 2016 onwards. The SIHA Executive Committee will be put forward the Vice President role for election at the upcoming AGM, Monday, October 3 at The Rink at 7:30pm. Any members who are interested in this role are requested to express their interest via e-mail to, by 2 days prior to the AGM.
All other SIHA Executive Committee members are continuing with their terms, therefore no other positions are constitutionally required to be opened for (re-)election. For more information, you can reach out to Eric van Steen, Alphonsus Joseph or Angela Tisdall directly.
NOTE: We are aware that based on our constitution we should give 10 days notice to its members about open positions prior to a vote and we are not meeting this criteria in this case. Because we would like to make use of the upcoming AGM and not have to organise a separate EGM later we will put this exception to a vote at the upcoming AGM. If approved we will proceed to vote on the candidates who have expressed interest, if declined we will delay the vote until a separate EGM at a later date.
AGM Agenda – Revised
- Availability of AGM minutes
- Association Updates
- > Welcome, Committee Intro, Agenda overview
- > Review of changes to the constitution
- > Sports Singapore Anit-Doping Policy
- 2015/16 in Review
- Treasury Report – Financial Year 2015/16
- Ice Dragons – Financial Report 2015/16
- Election for Vice President
- 2016/17 – Looking Ahead
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Any other Business
SIHA welcomes suggested topics for the AGM agenda. If you have suggested topics, please submit them to for consideration by Saturday October 1, by 6:00pm.