Category Archives: Top News

National Ice Hockey League – Summer 2022

The National Ice Hockey League is BACK! It’s finally back! Registrations for the League opens 9 May 2022, at 10am. The League will be running 10 weeks at The Rink@JCube, with the following format: 3 Divisions (4 teams each) 6 Regular games, 3 playoffs, 1 Final (Toal 9+1 games) Division 1: Thursdays, 9:45pm,10:45pm Division 2: […]

Men’s National Team Wins Bronze In Inaugural IIHF World Championships

Singapore Ice Hockey Association sends their first Men’s National Team (Ice Hockey) to participate in the IIHF World Championships held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan between 3rd and 8th March 2022. The tournament concludes with the team ranked 3rd overall.     Read more about the Men’s National Team here.

The SIHA Pre-Approval Programme

As part of our efforts to get back to sustainable hockey in the post COVID-19 era, the Singapore Ice Hockey Association is introducing the SIHA Pre-Approval Programme. A list of SIHA members who have completed their vaccination with either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines as verified by MOH. In-line with the governments’ increased move towards […]

Important Message To Members

Dear Members, It has been brought to our attention that there have been repeated violation to SIHA’s Safe Sport Plan. Members have been caught organising 5v5 shinny sessions during ice time booked through SIHA SportSG has sternly cautioned us to remind our members: For organised sessions and such event series will be suspended and organisers will be taken […]