In accordance to COVID-19 regulations as well as to keep everyone safe, please note that we are limiting the number of attendees to. Participants will be required to state their attendance prior to attending this session.
Please provide the following membership details below as follows:
- member name
- email that is used to register your SIHA membership
- Contact number
Please be reminded that voting rights are reserved for Members who are signed up for financial year 2020/21, and members who have signed up for the Family Membership are entitled to 1 vote.
Details of AGM 2020
Date: 6 March 2021.
Time: 3pm – 5pm
Venue: Pico Creative Centre
Auditorium Level 5, Lobby A
20 Kallang Avenue
- SIHA Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Men’s Development Team Director
- Vice President Marketing & Communications
Criteria for nomination:
- Is a current SIHA member
- Has a strong interest in ice hockey development in Singapore
- Able to commit time and experience to respective SIHA initiatives
- Holds relevant qualification for the role volunteered (preferably)
- Able to attend monthly Executive Committee meetings
As per SIHA constitution, all Executive Committee positions elected are for a 2 year tenure and are 100% volunteer roles.
Positions are open to SIHA members, kindly reach out to SIHA or fill in the nomination form if you are interested. Please complete and submit the form by 28 Feb 2021.
Please be reminded that it is mandatory to have a membership that runs till August 2021 in order to have voting rights and to train/play.